Metalle (sonstiges)
Gruppe der metalle, die nicht zu den anderen Gruppe metalle zugeordnet werden können.
Galerie (mit 86 Bildern) :
Ein Jugendstil-Werkstück vor der Oberflächenreinigung ...
Ein Jugendstil-Werkstück nach der Oberflächenreinigung.
Ein Beispielfoto der Reinigung von antiken Objekten (1) ...
Antike Gegenstände fachgerecht demontiert (2)
Eine Maschinenkomponente, die für die Herstellung von Autoleuchten verwendet wird. Vor und nach dem Perlenstrahlen. Entfernung von Metalloxiden. (1)
Eine Maschinenkomponente, die für die Herstellung von Autoleuchten verwendet wird. Vor und nach dem Perlenstrahlen. Entfernung von Metalloxiden. (2)
Fahrradquerträger und seine Komponenten nach dem Sandstrahlen.
Motorboot vor der vollständigen Renovierung. Schwarze Malerei, Dekorationen und andere Verunreinigungen. (1)
Motorboot nach der Reinigung. Das Lagergehäuse ist geschützt. (2)
Motorboot vor der Renovierung. Schwarze Malerei, Dekorationen und andere Verunreinigungen. (3)
Motorboot und seine Komponenten nach der Reinigung. (4)
Motorboot und seine Komponenten vor der Renovierung. Schwarze Malerei, Dekorationen und andere Verunreinigungen. (5)
Motorboot und seine Komponenten nach der Reinigung. Das Lagergehäuse ist geschützt. (6)
Schmiedeeisernes Gitter in einer provinziellen Villa ...
Schmiedeeisernen Rost in einer provinziellen Villa nach der Reinigung, vorbereitet für die Galvanisierung.
Diving tanks.
We pay scrupulous attention to our customers’ requests so that the engraved data on the surface remain intact.
Diving tanks after blasting.
Diving tanks after blasting. The signs on the surface remained intact.
Fireplace accessory before blasting.
Fireplace accessory after blasting.
Wrought-iron banister needs coating. (1)
Wrought-iron banister needs coating. (2)
Wrought-iron banister needs coating. (3)
Wrought-iron banister after bead blasting; now it can be painted with guarantee. (1)
Wrought-iron banister after bead blasting; now it can be painted with guarantee. (2)
Wrought-iron banister after bead blasting; now it can be painted with guarantee. (3)
Bead blasted and contaminated American motor boat blocs.
Both motor boat blocs are prepared for processing. They are easier to work on.
A part of cleaned wrought-iron.
Window bars after blasting. (The galvanized layer remained, only the painting was removed.)
An object without appropriate surface preparation. The fault is due to bad adherence. (The coating is about 3 weeks old.)
Spoilt electrostatic painting. The work piece needs to be cleaned.
Spoilt electrostatic painting after blasting.
Paint tank (manufactured by our company)...
Paint tank sandblasted (manufactured by our company).
Cast-iron radiator before cleaning.
Cast-iron radiator after cleaning.
Wrought-iron door after blasting.
Wrought-iron wall ornament.
Wrought-iron wall ornament sandblasted.
Wrought-iron chandelier.
Wrought-iron chandelier sandblasted.
Old theatre accessory (washstand).
Old theatre accessory (washstand) after cleaning.
Wrought-iron bars.
Wrought-iron bars after cleaning.
Wrought-iron banister.
Wrought-iron banister bead blasted.
The steel structure of a roof after cleaning.
An old child’s stove.
An old child’s stove bead blasted.
Old weapons…
Old weapons after cleaning.
Gas convector housing.
Gas convector housings after bead blasting.
Enameled drinking fountain before cleaning.
Enameled drinking fountain after cleaning.
Ceramic grinding disc after the grinding sheets have been burnt; it needs blasting.
A ceramic grinding disc needs cleaning.
A ceramic grinding disc after cleaning.
The component of a sea boat’s clutch system…
The component of a sea boat’s clutch system after bead blasting.
The component of a sea boat’s clutch system bead blasted and packed.
Wrought-iron mirror frame after blasting.
Matra Power Plant quarry scoop before bead blasting.
Matra Power Plant quarry scoop before bead blasting.
Matra Power Plant quarry scoop after bead blasting.
Matra Power Plant quarry scoop after bead blasting.
Machine parts by weight of the standard deviation, automatic machine.
Machine parts by weight of the standard deviation, automatic machine.
Vibration abrasive drum before bead blasting.
Vibration abrasive drum before bead blasting.
Vibration abrasive drum after bead blasting.
Garden chairs before bead blasting.
Garden chairs after bead blasting.
Parts of a 1914 automatic gun before cleaning.
Parts of a 1914 automatic gun after cleaning.
Turbocharger with sandblasting.
Candlestick sandblasted.
Crown of Liberty Bridge before sandblasting.
Crown of Liberty Bridge after sandblasting.
Wrought iron church grid.
Forged picture frame.
Cast iron crucifix.
Cast Iron Fountain Sandblasted.
Galerie (mit 86 Bildern) :
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